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Elizabeth Hoover Wins 2024 Pat Holt Prize for Critical Arts Writing

Elizabeth Hoover Wins 2024 Pat Holt Prize for Critical Arts Writing

Author: Emmanuel Henderson

June 17, 2024

Lambda Literary is delighted to announce Elizabeth Hoover as the winner of the Pat Holt Prize for Critical Arts Writing!

The Pat Holt Prize for Critical Arts Writing is presented in memory of the celebrated author and long-time SF Chronicle book review editor Patricia Holt and honors LGBTQ Critical Writing on Arts & Literature. The award will go an LGBTQ arts critic or literary reviewer committed to examining queer works of art and culture, as Holt ground-breakingly did for 16 years. This award is made possible by Lesbians for Good, a fund of the Horizons Foundation, and includes a cash prize of $4,000.

About Elizabeth Hoover

Elizabeth Hoover is the author of the archive is all in present tense, winner of the 2021 Barrow Street Book Prize. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in the North American Review, the Kenyon Review, and StoryQuarterly and her writing about art, pop culture, and books has appeared in Bitch, Paper, The Art Newspaper and the Washington Post.  She is an assistant professor at Webster University, where she teaches such classes as LGBTQ+ Literature, Genderqueer Frankenstein, and Archival Poetics. 

The judges left the following comment on Hoover’s submission:

Hoover’s work is extremely well written, unique in perspective and clearly expressed without pretension and self-importance. This is a review in context of lived experience. Her writing is relatable and inspiring.

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